Kashav Madan

I am a software developer based in Toronto. I enjoy solving complex programming problems. I like rap music, fitness, and sports. I take pride in my work, and like to be excellent and thorough.

I graduated in 2019 with a Honours B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Toronto in Toronto. I enjoyed school and took hard courses.

After graduating I joined Mozilla and worked on platform code for the Firefox browser and Gecko rendering engine. My team was responsible for implementing site per process isolation in the browser to mitigate the effects of the Spectre CPU vulnerability. This work required refactoring much of the Firefox codebase and spanned teams across most of the organization. I led large projects early on and became owner of the session restore component of the browser. I left Mozilla in 2021 shortly after switching to the SpiderMonkey compiler team.

At the start of 2022 I joined Cohere to work on ML infrastructure for serving LLMs. I didn't stay at Cohere long because I was dealing with burnout and the barrier to entry into NLP was higher than expected at the time.

After that I joined CircleCI to play around with Clojure. I worked as a Senior Security Engineer as a member of the threat detection team. We primarily focused on stopping cryptominers from abusing the free tier of the platform.

In 2023 I moved to San Francisco and joined Airtable as a product engineer. I worked on implementing full-text search into the backend. I did not enjoy living the in the States much.

My open source work is at github.com/kashav and previously github.com/kshvmdn. I wrote a series of blog posts about esoteric programming bugs at nestedparens.com.

Links: resume, portfolio.